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Schedule your 1:1 demo with a ScaleOps engineer now to:

  • Reduce K8s costs by up to 80%
  • Ensure workload SLA compliance
  • Achieve value in just 2 minutes


What Our Customers Say About Us

ScaleOps’ automation optimizes our online applications in production to efficiently meet real-time demand. The significant reduction in cloud costs and elimination of repeated manual work have freed our teams, enabling them to focus on core projects. The fast time to value, particularly after the quick installation, has been immediately beneficial. Additionally, the availability of a 24/7 responsive team of experts is extremely valuable.

Eloise Ann Friedman
Director of Cloud Platform

ScaleOps automatically optimizes Wiz’s containers in production according to our real-time needs, improving performance even during demand spikes. While dramatically reducing our K8s costs, the hands-free automation freed our teams from dealing with ongoing configurations, which is critical in our rapidly ever-growing environment

Ron Tzrouya
Lead Cloud FinOps & Analysis

ScaleOps automatically manages our resources and continuously optimizes our production workloads in response to demand. This platform has resulted in significant savings, all through a hands-free experience.

Igal Shprincis
Senior Software Engineer

Engineers should prioritize working on business logic instead of continually monitoring and configuring infrastructure settings, such as CPU and Memory requests/limits adjustments. Automation of this aspect is essential, and ScaleOps aids in achieving that, resulting in substantial cost savings on cloud instances and significant time savings

Elad Kollender
DevOps Group Manager

ScaleOps’ automation continuously optimizes our containers on production to meet real-time demand. The 2-minute installation was straightforward, and the immediate value was clear. It’s significantly reduced operational overhead, freeing our teams to focus on more strategic initiatives, while reducing our cloud cost by over 50%

Cristian Felix, Ph.D.
Product and Technology